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studio theme settings

To set your studio theme options you will need to be logged into your word-press dash board
once in your dash board go to appearance theme options, once your their you will have six tabs,

Scripts, Slides Feature, Footer Feature, Header, Branding

the first settings we will cover is the script tab, copy the setting in the image bellow and click the Save all options tab to save your settings

Scripts Tab
studio theme image

script tab image

 Slides Tab

slider tab image

The slides  tab  can be left at the default settins  so we can skip to the feature tab

Feature Tab

Feature tab image
The feature tab can be left at the default settins so we can skip to the footer feature

Footer Feature Tab


footer feature imageThe footer feature tab can be left at the default settins so we can skip to the Header


Header Tab

header tab imageWould you like to show a header  ——-> NO     thats all click the save all options


Branding Tab


branding tab image

Site Name  fill in this field with what you want your site name to be.

Do you to use a custom large image logo rather than domain name text?——> NO

Insert your logo full url here——> leave blank

Do you to use a custom square image logo and your domain name text? ——> NO

Insert your square logo full url here ——> leave blank

Show sign up box? ——> NO

leave the rest of the fields blank and click the save all options 

Congradulations your finished